February 24, 2013

Khiva ⇒ Bukhara (in Uzbekistan)

2012年10月 ウズベキスタンのヒヴァからブハラへ移動したときのこと。
This post is I moved to Bukhara from Khiva on October, 2012.

※レートは1USD 2700UZSで計算。
※I converted 1USD into 2700UZS.



ウルゲンチ(ヒヴァの最寄駅)⇒ブハラ 55000UZS(≒20USD)
マージン 10000UZS(≒3.7USD)取られました。

I'm thinking about how to going to Bukhara from Khiva then I went to tourist information to talk to about that. There are night train to go to Bukhara just this day, I decided that instant.
I didn't have time to go to train ticket office then I asked a tourist officer for go to office to buy train ticket for me.
Urgench(The nearest station from Khiva)⇒Bukhara 55000UZS(≒20USD)
And, I had to pay 10000UZS(≒3.7USD) for margin.
I should that I go to office to buy ticket by myself it's basic of journey.

The Ticket


For your information, to Bukhara from Khiva night train is running once or twice a week!?
So, I had good timing.
There are shared taxi and bus, these selects as an alternative. But I heard road is bad between Khiva to Bukhara and we have to do troublesome negotiation with driver about the fare.I think it was good decision to avoid riding other vehicle.

イチョン・カラ北門 ⇒ ウルゲンチ駅 シェアタクシー 5000UZS(1.8USD)
North gate of Ichon-Qala ⇒ Urgench station by shared taxi 5000UZS(1.8USD)

Urgench Station

A Station Attendant

19:05 出発。
Train leaves at 19:05 from Urgench station.

I was a same room with a party of French tourists.

4 Beds Compartment
翌日 朝7:05にブハラ駅に着。
Arrived in Bukhara station the next day's at 7:05 AM.

No.68 Marshrutka.


After that, going to go to old city of "LYABI-HAUZ it's name of pond" by no.68's marshrutka .
There were a few touting of taxi in front of the station.
You can find the marshrutka stand pass by the touting people.
Got the "Lyabi-hauz" about 30mins from the station.


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And, if you have any other appropriate explanations or sayings in English, please tell me.

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